The Neuman System Model theory is a unique and open system nursing theory based on the individual’s relationship to stress

The Neuman System Model theory is a unique and open system nursing theory based on the individual’s relationship to stress, the reaction to it, and reconstitution factors that are dynamic in nature (Alligood, 2104). Her theory is described as a grand nursing theory which consist of global conceptual framework that defines broad perspectives for practice and a way of looking nursing (Alligood, 2014). According to McEwen (2014), “Neuman’s model is one of only a few considered prescriptive in nature” (p. 155). The holistic, systemic perspective of the system model provides a comprehensive guide for nursing practice, education, administration, and research. Betty Neuman’s system model theory derived from the Gesalt theory which proposes that the dynamic interaction between the individual and the situation. She also took inspiration from de Chardin’s philosophical view of the wholeness of life) and used Selye’s definition of stress (Alligood, 2014).

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