The cloned animals are usually kept indoors for the desired production and are then slaughtered and sold for consumption

The cloned animals are usually kept indoors for the desired production and are then slaughtered and sold for consumption. The cloning process may also affect the animal population. Cloning leads to the degradation of genetic variations. Since cloning produces transgenic animals, some people fear that it may impact their health and the environment. The ethicality of the process is however questionable as it leads to increased animal suffering.
Animal cloning has elicited reactions from diverse people, with both supporters and opponents of the process citing diverse rationales for their stance. To some individuals, the cloning process is a significant scientific process that will help in the preservation of animal species. Such individuals believe that the cloning process helps in the production of animals that have the preferred traits. On the other hand opponents of the process claim that the process is unethical since it leads to animal suffering. Ethical concerns also work against the cloning process .

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