Ernest Hemingway is known as the most influential writer in the twentieth century American literature

Ernest Hemingway is known as the most influential writer in the twentieth century American literature. His impressive figures were generated relating to his real connections with real people and with real settings. He skillfully applies various literary tools such as symbols, imaginaries as well as symbolism theories to enhance the various meanings of his stories which is obviously shown in Cat in the Rain that was first published in 1925 in the short story collection In Our Time.
By employing various literary devices in this short story, Ernest Hemingway offered an artistic value of the content which makes readers understand the content at different levels and open implications after completing reading the story. Cat in the Rain is an outstanding sample of the author’s writing style from which readers first make out the true relationship between the couple; explore the cause of characters’ actions in the story; then draw forecasting based on historical and social forces. The major objective of this paper is to give an account of the images used as part of the short story and to decode the symbols as well as depict the various interpretations that they imply.

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