Childhood and adulthood are two very important stages of one’s life and both bring different kinds of freedom and restrictions with them

Childhood and adulthood are two very important stages of one’s life and both bring different kinds of freedom and restrictions with them. One does not stop learning and growing at any stage in life, but what changes is our outlooks and understanding of the world. These two stages of one’s life differ by a great deal, but they are correlated. The kind of childhood a person has reflects greatly in their adult-life, be it their dreams and inspirations, or the way they feel or think about certain things. How they differ is in the way they act. Children are carefree with fewer responsibilities and expectations from them. Although childhood is believed to be the best stage of life by most people, adulthood has its perquisites because you are more mature, independent and view the world more realistically.
Maturity does not come with age, but it is what sets apart childhood and adulthood significantly. Being mature and seeing the world from a bigger perspective, makes you a better version of yourself. Of course, maturity means you are taken more seriously, and in return, you become more responsible as well, but it also comes with a price. To have respect and a place in society, adults always hide the childish sides of themselves, so they are perceived as more in control and focused. The side of them, at a younger age they could embrace without having to worry about what society thought of them.

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