The healthcare system is a very sensitive field of professionalism

The healthcare system is a very sensitive field of professionalism. In that context, therefore, it has to be guided by laws and ethics that define how processes need to be done. There are set organization and legal agencies that guide on the nursing and midwifery board requirements that guide on the way nurses and midwives should operate in their respective working fields and fraternities (Levati, 2014). The ethics and laws set in place help in controlling nurses and midwives to act within their codes of professionalism as well as safe patients from risks relate to the care that is to be delivered to them. Therefore, nurses have to acknowledge their accountability, liability, responsibilities and professional competency through the observation of the code of ethics and laws put in place. They should do this by 7understanbduing their respect and accountancy of their actions, maintaining their professional competency and setting their practicing values above all other interests in order to attain their professional standards within the drawn ethics and legal guidelines set down for the nursing field. Understanding the ethical and legal laws governing this will enable nurses to deal with dilemmas that might arise within their practice (McDonald & Then 2014).
As a nursing student, reflections are quite important in the practice, especially when undertaking internships. Reflections are quite critical tools that help us as nursing students to obtain insightful information and self-knowledge in the nursing practice. Reflections are of great aid to both nurses and the nursing students to understand the ways to deal with situations and the ways certain situations should be considered in the nursing fraternity (Stephen and Melanie, 2017). Based on the fact that, nurses and nursing students experience quite a number of situations in their practice, reflecting on some of their real-life experiences will greatly help in advancing their knowledge and understanding of ways to deal with the situations. Gibb’s mode of reflection is generally a great way of aiding in understanding due to the application of the chronological approach in the reflection approach. The approach is in six steps that fully analyze a situation. It includes consideration of what happened, the feelings at that time, consideration of what is good and bad, the sense made out of the happening event, alternative of what else could have been done and what a person would do if it arose again. Considering the Gibb’s refection model will greatly help me in this reflection because I will apply in helping me apply knowledge, experience and skills acquired in my clinical placements with consideration in my future career (Niederriter et al, 2017).
Case Study One
With regard to the situation presented in this case study; there are a lot of violations of the code of ethics and regulations that govern the conduct of nurses and their respective observances in their duty. The fact that the nursing student has been in placement and has gone through nursing classes should have an extensive knowledge on the code of conduct that should be observed (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2017). The nursing student breached into the registered nurses act that gives an overview of the codes of conduct and behavioral consideration of nurses and the nurses to be. Therefore, the student nurse did not operate within this act. Additionally, civil liability act is also an involved law that states that the nursing student should prevent any harm towards the patient. The student also breached the nursing and midwifery board act of Australia by slapping the patient (Tarling, 2016). The implication of this is that the nursing student is not quite fit for the nursing field with reference to the health practitioner’s regulation national law that demands that all students and the nursing professionals should embrace the good conduct that is required and outlined in the act (Roussel et al 2016 the student nurse has greatly violated the code of nursing conduct. I too feel by not reporting the student to the leader nurse will be violating the health ombudsman code thereby advancing the violations occurring in the placement. A reflection of myself in this is when I witnessed a registered nurse handling a hostile patient. Due to the understanding that she possesses, she was very gentle with the patient and managed to calm her down despite the hostility that the patient focused on her. From this situation, I believe that throughout my profession in the nursing field, I will always strive to act as the registered nurse acted and respect the nursing codes of conduct (Westrick, 2016).
Case Study Two
With regard to this scenario case, safety for patients is a critical consideration when it comes to dealing with patients. The fact the student nursing is engaged in alcohol abuse following a previous relationship break up. This is generally going to affect the quality of care that the student is going to deliver to the patients. In that context, therefore, there will be a breach of the registered nurse act that requires that the nurses and the student nurses should uphold the value of quality (Johnstone, Bluff ; Clayton, 2014). Additionally, the student nurse exposes the work health and safety act into jeopardy which states that patients should be protected from exposure to risks of injury and related effects resulting from recklessness and carelessness of the intoxicated student nurse. There is also a breach of the nursing act and the civil liability act laws that define the code of conduct and negligence. Based on the stated laws and ethical considerations put in place by the nursing fraternity, there is likely violation of nursing observations that the nursing student is likely to commit due to the alcohol intoxication. There is also a breach in the law that requires for mandatory notification to the administration concerning breach of ethical issues. In that context, therefore there is violation of ethical codes of conduct (reference with year) that require that nurses should not report to work when they are intoxicated for the respect of their job duties and observance of what the system demands (Hughes et al, 2014).
The implications of this to the healthcare facility are that the student needs a certain degree of counseling and consideration as far as the student’s mental state is concerned. In that context, therefore, the healthcare facility should launch a counseling unit (Reference) within the healthcare facility. This will greatly help in ensuring that the nursing students are well educated and informed in terms of the codes of observations that need to be learned and respected (Forrester & Griffiths, 2011). Therefore, the student nurses will make entry into the field with maximum knowledge about the codes of ethics that govern the nursing field. A personal experience that I can relate to is a situation where I noticed a drunken doctor give up on administering to a patient and requested for another doctor to come and represent him. Due to his knowledge about the codes of conduct that should be employed in the nursing care, he could not breach the act of registered nursing ( reference) that put much weight on the value of quality. From this scenario, I will grow up knowing that the code of ethics and conduct is a great measure of maturity into the nursing fraternity. Therefore, I will avoid all aspects that will lead me into jeopardizing the required ethics and legal frameworks of the nursing professionalism (Cusack et al, 2013).
Case Study Three
Based on the ethics and laws of healthcare systems and guidance, respect for patients and their valuables is of great importance in paying respect to the ethics guiding health laws. Based on what has transpired between the RM and the nursing student concerning the valuables of the patient, I believe that the nurse student breached the context of good conduct as far as nursing ethics are concerned (Chitty, 2015). There is the breach of the criminal and corruption act. The student has violated the requirement that nurses and nursing students should respect the property of their patients. This is a show of standard quality of service that is delivered in a trustworthy environment. Therefore, by not respecting the patient’s property as well breaches the registered nurse act that controls the basic conduct of nurses and the nurse students under placement. The health practitioner regulation national law is also in violation given the fact that it gives the basis of all working frameworks of nurses (Bulman ; Schutz, 2013).
The implication to the healthcare facility as a result of this event is that there is need for emphasis on the respect to the codes of ethics to be put into consideration in the nursing health laws. In that aspect, therefore, more emphasis when training the student nurses should be put on the laws that are applicable when violations in the nursing facilities are made. For that reason, therefore empowering nursing students to put into practice all that the nursing ethics and health law state is of great concern (Buka, 2014). The personal experience that I can relate to is when I noticed a registered nurse almost lose her job due to the loss of a patient’s possessions. Based on the fact that the nurse was in administration during the admitting of the patient, she was supposed to be fully responsible for her possessions. Therefore, the loss stipulated violation of her job ethics and inconsideration of the patient’s possessions thus making her liable for punishment. From this scenario, I have learned that, as a practicing nurse am not only responsible for patients’ medicine-related issues but also their possessions (Atkins, Britton & Lacey, 2014). Therefore, in my profession as a nurse, I will keep in mind all the ethos and laws that apply in the nursing field to avoid violations that I can escape.

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