The Mesopotamia and Egyptian Religion were very similar but also had distinct differences in many ways that made each civilization their own

The Mesopotamia and Egyptian Religion were very similar but also had distinct differences in many ways that made each civilization their own. Both civilizations were polytheistic and believed in many different gods. Both civilizations worshiped gods and goddesses. Some of the respected gods in the Sumerian religion included Anu, the god of heaven; Enlil, the god of air; Enki, the god of water; and Ninhursag, the mother goddess. The priest of Mesopotamia were upper class and very involved with the people. Temples were built to honor the gods and each priest performed ceremonies, festivals, and sacrifices to please the gods. Only the priest were aloud to enter the temples and attend the deities. (Acrobatiq. 2017)
The Egyptians had two main kingdoms: Egypt to the South and Egypt to the North. They believed the Pharaohs had moral responsibilities to their people and would rule the land in the spirit of Ma’at who was believed to be a goddess who represented the truth, justice and order. Nature was less destructive in Egypt and the gods were seen as generous and kind to humanity. Amen-Rawas was the most powerful deity, and chief of the pantheon. Unlike the Mesopotamian, the Egyptians had a strong belief that there was an afterlife. (Acrobatiq, 2017)

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