The audience for this narrative is mostly for the younger kids in the 1960’s and in present day when it was published

The audience for this narrative is mostly for the younger kids in the 1960’s and in present day when it was published. Back in the 40’s what happen with B and him was something that was unheard of. But in the 60’s and to present day having intercourse with a woman before marriage was not as big of a deal.

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This narrative was both successful and not successful in its effectiveness to deliver a message about the consequences of love. Myrdal writes to the younger generation of people in the late 1960’s and to people of the modern world. In my opinion he was effective in his message to me about love and how when you make a commitment to someone that you need to fulfill your promise to them. I likewise concur with his activities of being distant from everyone else in a room with a young lady he used to love.