As a student

As a student, I have always been very serious and focused. I am extremely career-oriented and have been striving to accomplish my goals. I want to work in the investment banking sector and I figure this course would immensely help me in accomplishing my future objectives. There are certain elements in this course that could be implemented in the real-world. For instance, the financial content and skills learned in this course could help me in my career. Moreover, the description of various economic principles, investigation of economic problems, and the economic condition of our country would be of great aid in understanding the diversity and importance of this field. In addition, it would likewise be of incredible help in building up my comprehension of this field. However, if we talk about the third principle of economics, we can find real world examples and almost every rational person makes a choice that benefits him. In my case, I wanted to purchase a car that was affordable and better than the others available in the city but it was in another town. I had to spend an extra amount of money to travel to that town and purchase the car. Thus, I chose to endeavor and as opposed to sitting around idly I purchased the car.

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