Chess And Computer

Chess And Computer

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Chess is a very versatile game that can be related to or compared with many other things. Such as philosophy, war, film, etc. But the topic that I have chosen to research on is ?chess and computers?. Since the birth of the technology i.e. Computer, chess players are being compared to artificial intelligence. Researchers are trying to find out who can play better chess. Humans or Artificial Intelligence.
At present computers can only use the intelligence that is load in it. But it can have many more moves than human chess player can think. Such as computer chess program ?Deep Blue?, which has beaten few chess grand masters. However, when computer plays chess, it does not think about the move it makes but performs a series of calculations to make the right move. This all based on the positions of the pieces on the board. Human chess players use their skills, judgment and previous experiences to decide about the moves they are going to make.
Many chess computers can play at high levels due to fast calculations, but at this speed the computer has an advantage over human chess player because human brain cannot perform calculations at the

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