Teenage Runaways

Teenage Runaways

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Teenage Runaways

How many times did you vow as a teenager that you would run away when your parents wouldn?t allow you to go out Allow me to paint a picture for you. You?re packing your bags while grumbling about how tough life is at your age. Pink hair, black nails and a nose ring are all that matters in high school. Meanwhile, your parents are calmly standing at the door watching you with concerned yet confident looks knowing that the driveway, maybe even the mailbox, will be your farthest attempt. However, what if you went to a shelter What if you ended up on the streets Is your local city bench better than a warm bed Now, let us replace those loving parents with angry, screaming and abusive ones. Would the situation change and seem more comprehensible For some central Florida teens the mean streets of Orlando and other large nationwide cities are much more welcoming than their very own home. However, why do young teens run away Where do most go And what are city committees doing about this rising epidemic
A child who runs away

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