NITB Strategy

NITB Strategy

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NITB Strategy
As part of the review of NITB Strategy, an internal project team was appointed to investigate the Market Focus and Communications policy of the Board as a first step in defining a new vision for tourism in Northern Ireland. Similar teams were appointed to examine Market Intelligence issues and Business Enhancement, all of which would go together to develop and implement a long-term strategy for NITB.
This process determines the most effective contribution that NITB can make to the development and marketing of tourism in Northern Ireland and should complement the future international promotion of Ireland on a cross-border basis.
Specifically this process was designed with the following imperatives: –
? That NITB will best serve the industry by giving a strategic lead based on our understanding of what our consumers value
? Develop and keep under review the sustainable marketing proposition for Northern Ireland to produce an effective and cohesive communication with its consumers and its stakeholders.
The Northern Ireland proposition should define what Northern Ireland offers as a destination, namely: –
The definition of the key benefit of the “Northern Ireland Offer” to the consumer that differentiates it from other tourism alternatives
In reality, what came out of these proceedings

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