Cultural Proximity And The Global Economy

Cultural Proximity And The Global Economy

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All cultures are driven by their economies, and the ideals of each culture are the basis of how their people do business. We are living in an era where information can travel faster than it is spoken and these advancements in communication are rapidly shrinking the gaps between cultures. This is bringing about an economy that goes beyond domestic borders creating what is referred to as the world or global economy. In the global economy, new obstacles arise in the compatibility between the business practices of different cultures.
With the relief in economic barriers the presence of cultural barriers are still as evident as ever. In his essay, ?Communication in the Global Village,? Dean Barnlund writes that those of other cultures ?seek different values?and interact according to a different script? (47). This cannot be overlooked when trying to forge some type of partnership with an international firm. Michael Copeland points out in his essay, ?Global Business Exchanges?Similarities and Differences Around the World,? that ?what is important to the other party?is essential for an effective business exchange? because separate cultures have different systems to accomplish the same goals (66).
When involved in a

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