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Stress is a part of everybodys life, whether they like it or not. Managing it is something that is absolutely crucial to learn. If stress management is not mastered, then you and those around you suffer, and live under the illusion that there is way more stress in your life than other peoples. Im living proof of that.
That stress level test taught me a thing or two about whining. I scored average on it, thinking I would go way over the extreme stress mark. I think the problem is that I have been too lazy and unmodivated (is that a word) to think of ways to manage it. I think that meditation would be a great way, but everytime I close my eyes for twenty seconds, Sid starts whining, or the phone rings,. or I start to concentrate, instead of on a sandy beach at sunset, on the majestic Mt. Laundry in my room or about the Consumers bill that was due yesterday.
I think that these days, stress is one of the biggest focal points in most aspects of life– how to avoid it, how to manage it, whats good, whats bad.

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