Business Ethics

Business Ethics

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Ethics to me means having and using ones morals to do the right thing. Ethics is so important in business because it gives a company credibility. When a company has credibility the consumers trust the company and will tend to buy from the company more regularly. Many employers want guidelines to help them in their decision making process, so experts came up with some approaches. They are the Utilitarian Approach, The Rights Approach, and The Common-Good Approach. Corporate Social Responsibly seems to have an unlicensed marriage to ethics. The idea behind ethics is to reach and surpass the call of duty, and Corporate Social Responsibility is about doing more than just making a profit. With the rise of multi-national corporations and the importance of ethics an International Code of Ethics was created. Ethics has such a big impact on whether a business is a success or a failure. So personal, professional, and global principles were created by experts to guide managers in their trip to the top of the corporate ladder.
Ethics is the interactive study of moral obligation and principles involving right versus wrong. In a new survey of 1,324

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