Her Courage

Her Courage

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Seeing her brings a smile to my face and a catch in my throat. She is so strong! I am not sure I will ever understand why she keeps doing this, everyday, taking those children by the hand, guiding them, loving them, teaching them. Working, living, laughing, not just existing or walking around in a daze like I feel I do. And it is not just with them, not just those kids at the school, it?s her at the store, at church, at the doctor, and more painfully, here at home with us. But I know, that the minute she closes her bedroom door, the times when dad is not with her, I hear her cry, I hear her pain. I just cannot understand why she hides it, why won?t she let us help comfort her Why won?t she let us talk about it

Mom was diagnosed 3 years ago, we fought it, but now 2 months ago we were all ushered into the living room and told it was back. Now she refuses to tell her anyone else. Dad, Lisa and I are the only ones who know. She won?t stop working until she has to, she will not stop

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