Essay About My Father

Essay About My Father

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Each morning I awake, I watch the morning news to get some information about what?s going on in the world. Whether it?s a report about a house burning down and killing the entire family trapped inside or hijacked airplanes crashing into buildings killing thousands of innocent people, there is usually that one headline that makes you feel sad as a result of seeing it. As you watch various Television Shows, Movies, and even Commercials, you discover that writers and producers try to create a scenario or plot that will leave you with the same effect as that news report.
Sadness is a simple, general term, ranging in implication from a mild, momentary unhappiness to a feeling of intense grief. Watching the news report about the fire or the hijacked airplanes might leave you with this emotion. Writers use this to their advantage when writing scripts to help make their shows leave a longer effect on the audience.
The TV show ?Cowboy Bebop? is an animated series on the Cartoon Network?s Adult Swim. The series consist of twenty-nine episodes. During these episodes, you are introduced to a character named Spike who is running away from his past. However his past is catching up

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