Something Drives Us All

Something Drives Us All

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Something Drives Us All

Two young boys wake up one summer morning with thoughts of fun and sun in their minds. They are excited about the prospects of what another summer vacation day can offer. But as most summer vacations go three or four hours into the day they walk sulking, with their heads bowed, into the house to inform their mother of the earth shattering news. ?We?re bored!? Their mother, as every mother does, immediately throws out some great ideas, one of them sending thrills to the cores of each of the boys. Go to the pool. As the initial excitement passes the boys realize they have spent all of their summer allowance and cannot afford to go to the pool. Once again in her infinite wisdom the mother springs forth another idea, a Kool-Aid stand. With renewed vigor and a greater purpose they go to work mixing Kool-Aid packets into pitchers, adding way too much sugar, and filling the remaining space with ice cubes. They heft the old card table to the front of the yard, take an old board and write ?Kool-Aid 10 Cents?. About four hours later the two boys had raised,

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