The Scorpion

The Scorpion

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The Scorpion
Author: Sullivan, Stephen D.
312 pages
Fiction- Fantasy/Adventure

Activity B)
Exclusive interview with Bayushi Shoju (Daimyo of the Scorpion Clan)

Q- Bayushi Shoju many believe that Scorpions are nothing but liars, thieves and assassins. How does your clan contribute to the empire

A-“The other clans do not know the devotion with which we serve. They think we are like them, involved in petty squabbling. The Crab maybe stronger, the Lion bolder, the Dragon wiser, the Phoenix better at magic, – But all their great powers, they use to further their own ends. No one serves the emporor as the Scorpion does.” – direct quotation

Q-Bayushi Shoju can you please tell me why you wont let anyone see your real face

A-“It is the way of my Clan. We are the masters of secrets, it gives me the element of surprise against my opponent. They often fear the unknown. Fear is a weakness.”

Q- Shoju, can you please describe how you fell towards your son who is not really your son

A- “Although I am not his birth father, I raised him and taught him the way of the Scorpion. He is my son. I love him as I would my own.”

Q- What was your reaction when it was decided

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