The Influence Of Lady Macbeth Towards Her Husband

The Influence Of Lady Macbeth Towards Her Husband

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Everyone is eventually influenced to do something they don?t want to do at one time or another. Decisions are made everyday. They are what affect the rest of out lives. Once a mistake is made it cannot be unmade. These true facts are backed up by the Bible. 1 Chorinthians 15:33 says, ?Do not be dislead: Bad company corrupts good character.? Macbeth was led down a road of deception and treachery by many influences. The first influences on Macbeth were by the three witches, but his main influence was Lady Macbeth. He is thrilled by their prophecy that he?d become the king. Although he wants the privilege of being king, Macbeth knows he somehow has to seize the throne. When he realizes that for him to become king of Scotland it would mean he would have to murder Duncane, his own king that he swore to protect and serve. Macbeth begins to doubt his capabilities and has second thoughts.
The second influence is Lady Macbeth. She is the leading lady in this play and is responsible for most of the deaths that occur in this thrilling story. She does this by manipulating the respect Macbeth has for her.

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