The Crucible

The Crucible

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The historical situation that the Crucible is about is, the witch trials of Salem. This
story is in the form and a play and it depicts the hanging of many innocent people. Some
of the people who are both fictional characters and real characters. A real character in this
play is John Proctor, a fictional character in this play is Marshal Herrick.
This story starts with Abigail Willliams and a bunch of other girls dancing in the
forest, who were caught by Reverend Parris and frighten. When this happened two of the
girls grew sick Because of this, the town began to talk about witch craft. For this reason
Reverend Hale was called in to tell whether there sickness had anything to do with witch
craft of not. When he arrives he agrees that it is witch craft an so began the trials.
At first most of the people think nothing of it, this is because the only people that
are being accused are old women, that beg on the streets, one women has Sarah Good.
Then as Abigail realizes how much power she has with this she begins to use it to her
advantage. She starts to accuse any body who

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