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Society?s youth today reflects much of what is said and portrayed in Siddhartha?s life. Siddhartha had to make many decisions in his life that affected him forever. Teens, such as myself, also make decisions involving the future, high school, friends, and other activities.
Siddhartha?s main goal is finding a place and destiny in life. It seems awkward to say that teens are finding a ?destiny?, but in reality, high school students are trying to find a place in which they fit in, in other words, a ?clique.? There are many conflicting ideas and misunderstanding viewpoints between adults and teens. This is shown with Siddhartha as well. Siddhartha rebelled against his fathers? wants by leaving his house. After being persistent of leaving his house, Siddhartha?s father reluctantly allowed him to move on; however, conflict did occur.

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