Puce Fairy Book

Puce Fairy Book

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Alice Major?s ?Puce Fairy Book? is a satire. The title hints that the fairy book or story being told is somewhat majestic. Puce is a shade of purple and purple represents royalty. Thus the title represents something that is almost magical and very unlikely to attain. The poem itself raises the issue?s of image. Society has an idea of the perfect girl and the poem suggests that the expectations are unreal. Society has to realize that perfection does not exist. The fairy tale girls from these stories are part of a perfect make belief world, they do not really exist. Major uses a variety of fairy tale beauties to get her point across. Men expect women to be that kind of fairy tale girl but in reality they are not. The line that best expresses this belief is ?my foot was too big to fit into it.?(Major 36) The girl admits her imperfections and she is comfortable with them. However, the boy she is with insists upon making her into something that she is never going to be.
The main character is the girl that the boy is trying so desperately to change but she never ends up changing. Instead

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