The Dream Of The Rood A Brave And Noble Symbol

The Dream Of The Rood: A Brave And Noble Symbol

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The Dream of the Rood is quite an interesting piece. Never before have I seen the crucifix depicted in such a manner. The narrator recalls the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ through the eyes of the cross that he was so brutally suspended on. Because of its noble deed, the rood is forever a symbol of the death of Gods son. He felt the pain and sorrow of the Lord and was greatly rewarded for it.

During the crucifixion, the rood was one with Jesus. He stated that he trembled when the Warrior embraced me. The Son of God was embracing him. The mightiest of warriors, gallantly fighting the ultimate battle, clung to this simple piece of wood, idolizing it. The rood also said that he, too, was pierced with nails, and his wounds were as obvious as the Lords. The bystanders mocked both him and Jesus. The cross grieved as did the Almighty King. They were intertwined. I was sore afflicted with grief, were words uttered by the rood. He felt the same pain and sorrow as the one being crucified. It is amazing how the author depicts the cross as receiving the horrid agony that Christ was

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