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Herbert George Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, England. He was the fourth and last child of Sarah Neal Wells and Joseph Wells. Born before Herbert George were Frances, Frank, and Fred. Unfortunately, Frances died at the age of nine, before Herbert George was even born. The Wells were not very rich, and Wells used to often joke that while he may not have been born in a manger, his rise to fame was almost miraculous. His mother was a maid in the houses of the upper class of Sussex and his father was a shopkeeper in Bromley.
H.G.s career may have started entirely by accident. When he was eight years old, he broke his leg and spent a lot of time reading and discovered an intense interest in it. Also, he was enrolled in the Thomas Morleys Academy at the age of eight. At the age of eleven, his father fell from a ladder and fractured his thigh. Joseph Wells never fully recovered and money was even tighter after this. So at the age of thirteen, H.G. was withdrawn from the Thomas Morleys Academy and apprenticed to a draper, for which he worked long hours. He

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