Out Of The Dust

Out Of The Dust

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Out of the Dust
This story is about long-legged, red-headed, freckle-faced hillbilly girl. Her name was Billy-Jo. Her dad did not actually want a girl he wanted a boy, but he got a girl. Now this girl had a big mouth and cheek bones that stuck out like bicycle handles. She followed after her mother in the fact that she was a talented piano player. In the same way she also followed after her dad in the fact that she always worked with her dad and would help him with the crops and taking care of the animals. Ma was on of the greatest piano players of the time. Her fancy finger work was so elegant and graceful. Ma was the one who made all the meals and kept the house clean. Now Pa was the farmer who took care of the crops and the livestock.
Now one day Daddy mad a huge mistake, he put a can of kerosene beside the stove, and when ma saw it she thought it was water. So when she was making Pas coffee she put kerosene in and made a huge lake of fire. Ma ran

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