Lord Of The Flies

Lord Of The Flies

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LOTF – What Do We Learn About Jack From The First Five Chapters Of The Novel
We are shown at the start of the novel that there are a group of boys abandoned on a tropical island. They try to adapt to their new island and they try to adapt to their new island but it seems difficult for them.
We are introduced to Jack when Ralph blows the conch to call his first assembly and the first impression we are given of Jack is of ?a black, bat-like creature.? (p25). This suggests how Jack?s shadow actually represents the evil and darkness within him because the bat is normally associated with the night and the devil. So from the beginning Golding shows us how the presence of evil is in Jack.
Jack contrasts physically with Ralph with Jacks? red hair and Ralph?s fair hair, but Jack is described as being ?ugly without silliness? (p27). This suggests to us that he is not as handsome as Ralph and I believe that the red hair symbolises a fiery rage that Jack has within him. As Jack is first seen it seems that he is a dominant leader of the choir and orders them in a

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