Adventures of Tom Sawyer Book Rep.

Adventures of Tom Sawyer Book Rep.

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Mark Twain?s, The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, is a story told from the eyes of the young Tom Sawyer. The story takes place in the small rustic town of St. Petersburg Missouri. Tom Sawyer is the main character of the book. Tom is an imaginative young man who always seems to be getting into trouble. Tom is very adventurous, he never passes up a chance to play pirates, robbers, or soldiers. This book has multiple themes but the most important is knowing when its right to talk and tell the truth and when its better to be quiet or lie. At the beginning of the story Tom is introduced by climbing in his window after a long night of cavorting with his friends. Soon after the start of the story Tom meets Huckleberry Fin. Huck is a local outcast of society who likes to live by his own terms. Tom and Huck become good friends. One night the two boys go to the grave yard. While they are there they witness the murder of the town doctor, Mr. Robinson. The boys watched as Injun!
Joe kills the doctor and frames a drunk by the name of Muff Potter who just

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