Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn

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In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain designates Huck as an outsider in order to supply him with an honest perspective on the early nineteenth century American society?s position on issues involving slavery. Twain initially reveals society?s stance on slavery through the outcast by presenting Huck?s misgivings about assisting Jim to freedom. Therefore, Huck?s convictions reveal that society instilled the notion that slaves were property and should not escape to freedom. Also, Huck comments that he would rather go to hell than turn Jim over to the authorities, furthermore revealing the idea promoted by civilization that helping a slave was a moral issue resulting in eternal damnation. Additionally, Huck has difficulty humbling himself and apologizing to Jim after the separation in the fog. This dramatic scene highlights the early 19th century doctrine

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