Rats Saw God

Rats Saw God

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This great biography by Rob Thomas is a down to earth book. It is a must read if you like to read biographies. Rob Thomas did a great job on Rats Saw God.

Steve York, a straight A student at Houston, at first is doing really good. He has lots of friends and has no problems at home. Later his mom and his dad get a divorce and his mom and his sister move to San Diego. Steve is still doing well except; the girl who he went to the dance with and he dated is having sexual intercourse with a teacher. His home life is not at all good either. Steve?s dad, a famous astronaut, tries to set high expectation limits for his son. Since the divorce, Steve?s dad doesn?t like to come home anymore. This starts to cause problems since now Steve doesn?t have anyone to set a good example for him. Steve is confused about life and questions why he should try hard to do anything.

Steve joins a group of like-minded kids that start a club and call it GOD, which stands for Grace Order of Dadaists. This rebellion causes him to

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