Attila The Hun

Attila The Hun

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Attila the Hun (circa 406-53), king of the Huns from 433 to 453 when he died from an untimely death. One of the most feared and notorious barbarians of all time, Attila is believed to be of distant Mongol stock, and while alive ravaged much of the European continent during the 5th century AD. No one represents the unbridled fury and savagery of barbarism as much as Attila the Hun did. Attila, as the greatest Hun leader, is the stereotypical sacker of cities and killer of babies. In his own day he and his Huns were known as the “Scourge of God?. The Huns themselves were a people of mystery and terror. Arriving on the edge of the Roman Empire in the late fourth century, riding their war horses out of the great steppes of Asia, they struck fear into Germanic barbarians and Romans alike.
No one knows exactly when Attila the Huns was born. But he was the nephew of the king of the Huns, a tribe of nomadic herdsmen. The Huns were fierce mounted warriors who tended and rode horses, which was a big part of their daily life. By the time Attila was born,

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